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Great engine and runs well in the latest March 2025 Gamemaker 2.3 update. I have a question about obj_char Health. I want the game to reset to the main menu when the character has 0 health. Currently, obj_char doesn't die, so I'm not sure where to edit the code?

I can’t really tell what you’re doing there, but you’ll probably want to create a new gamestate within the obj_cam object. The gamestates function to determine every possible situation, and will continuously make sure that there is a player object if it isn’t a menu or transitioning into another screen.
Maybe define a gamestate in obj_cam, destroy the obj_char instance, create a new instance for the destruction animation at the obj_char coordinates, and then move to the title screen room. Health and other game variables are tied to the persistent obj_cam object, so they will not be reset unless you specifically do so. Again, not super sure how you’re exactly doing this or what changes you’ve made, but just some suggestions. Hope the help!

Thanks for your kind reply. Helpful information about creating a new gamestate. The obj_cam object is where I need to edit the code. Take care.

I just purchased the engine, running it on GM2, and was immediately met with this error. Can you recommend a fix?Error message

I have not run this asset pack on the latest version of GM so something may have changed since I compiled this pack. However, that error seems to show that sprites are missing, so make sure you properly import everything from the pack, or define new sprites for the top and bottom of the character in the Create event of obj_char

This is great. I purchased the asset but was wondering if you have the project for gms1 as I'm not the biggest fan of gms2?

Unfortunately not, I made the jump a while ago so while I agree that I prefer gms1, the codebase is built around gms2 fundamentally now

so is everything here to make a Metroid  type game. menus and all.

The only menu here is the map  sorry

Deleted 1 year ago

Really cool looking and feeling engine. Pinned on my small potatoe channel your video, well done mate!